After the initial response, and after headlines fade away, the emergency and urgency remain.

When we hear of a global emergency, our minds often jump to “How can we help?” Your gifts to Mission and Service enable partners to immediately get to work providing crucial basic needs: food, water, shelter, and medication. But after the initial response, and after headlines fade away, the emergency and urgency remain.
After the immediate shock fades, people living in the wake of a disaster can have difficulty imagining what life will look like down the road. In these times, hope is an essential, powerful force that gives us the motivation to move forward and inspires us to keep going.
Two years after the February 2023 earthquakes, people in Syria are still experiencing the devastating aftermath, exacerbated by civil war and other natural disasters. And Mission and Service partner the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) continues to be hard at work providing hope. From retrofitting buildings and providing medical equipment to education and trauma healing, MECC is dedicated to sustainable relief. In Aleppo, MECC rehabilitated four schools before the academic year began in September 2023, providing children with a safe place to learn.
Thank you for supporting the work of our Mission and Service partners. Your generosity is a beacon of hope during challenging times.