Job Number: 45-10
Opening/Closing Date: February 5, 2025 to March 27, 2025


Remedial Committee (8-10 members) 

We are seeking people with the ability to assess investigative reviews and who are committed to helping ministry personnel improve their pastoral skills.  Terms of reference have been updated; no geographic restrictions or priorities. 


The Remedial Committee receives Investigator reports or reviews of ministry personnel ordered by the Response Committee and assesses findings on the effectiveness of a ministry personnel or investigations on alleged breaches of ethical standards. The Remedial Committee meets with the respondent, determines the findings, and decides what the remedy might be. Remedies could include a directed program, an informal agreement, or a request to the Board of Vocation to hold a formal hearing. The Remedial Committee also determines whether a directed program is successfully completed following reports from the directed program work and meeting with the ministry personnel.


The Remedial Committee consists of up to 10 members who reflect the broad diversity of The United Church of Canada, with particular attention to its equity commitments and the presence of both lay people and ministry personnel from across the geography of the church. 

To honour the separation of responsibilities assigned to regional councils and those assigned to the Office of Vocation, members of Office of Vocation committees and boards cannot also serve on a body of the regional council with decision-making responsibilities that relate to or affect pastoral relations or pastoral relationships.  

Member Skills and Experience 

Ideally, members of this committee will have experience dealing with investigations or reviews or serving on an effectiveness support committee for a directed program. People with experience as educational supervisors; interim ministers and transition teams; and processes such as alternative dispute resolution and workplace investigations, would be beneficial. Members need to be committed to supporting someone in improving their pastoral skills. 

United Church Relationship: Full member

Expectations and Term 

The committee meets twice monthly by videoconference call, or more frequently as needed. Scheduling is set according to the availability of members. Currently, meetings are held on Thursday afternoons (ET). 

The term of this appointment is for three years (August 2025 - August 2028) with the possibility of reappointment for a second three-year term.  

For more information about this volunteer opportunity, please see the updated complete description, below.

To Express Interest

To apply for this vacancy, please express interest or nominate someone.

All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. If you do not receive acknowledgement, please contact Member Engagement. Incomplete or late submissions cannot be considered.

For further information or assistance in expressing interest or nominating someone, please contact:

Member Engagement
Toll-Free: 1-800-268-3781
