Opening/Closing Date: March 7, 2025 to April 24, 2025
The Indigenous Justice Advisory Group (1 Vacancy)
The Indigenous Justice Advisory Group advises the National Indigenous Organization and the General Council Executive on matters related to Indigenous justice, the legacy of residential schools, and the Calls to Action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. This will encompass legal requirements, pastoral care, communication, healing, advocacy, education, reflection, spiritual renewal, and building right relations. The Advisory Group will remind The United Church of Canada that the ministry of healing and reconciliation belongs to the whole church.
We are looking for an Indigenous member with a good awareness of Indigenous justice issues and familiarity with the legacy of the Indian Residential School system as well as the United Church’s history as it pertains to Indigenous ministry and justice.
The advisory group will be made up of three Indigenous members and three Settler/Newcomer members, including one Indigenous and one non-Indigenous young adult.
Expectations and Term
Appointments are for approximately three years, with the possibility of reappointment for a second term. Meetings occur two or three times per year, primarily by video or teleconference call.
Appointments will be made by the National Indigenous Elders Council.
To Express Interest
To apply for this vacancy, please express interest or nominate someone.
All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. If you do not receive acknowledgement, please contact Member Engagement. Incomplete or late submissions cannot be considered.
For further information or assistance in expressing interest or nominating someone, please contact:
Member Engagement
Toll-Free: 1-800-268-3781