We sing of God’s good news lived out...gifts shared for the good of all... (A Song of Faith)

Christian stewardship is everything we think, say, and do after we say “I believe.”
God is creative and self-giving,
generously moving
in all the near and distant corners of the universe.
Nothing exists that does not find its source in God.
Our first response to God’s providence is gratitude.
We sing thanksgiving. (A Song of Faith)
Stewardship and discipleship is
- how we spend our time, and employ our talents and gifts
- how we care for our bodies and make healthy choices
- how we set our priorities around money and possessions
- how we manage our relationships, care for the environment, and practise our faith
We participate in God’s mission by giving the gifts that God has entrusted to us. These gifts are everything that we have: our time, our talents and skills, and our treasure or material resources.
We are called to be the Church:
to celebrate God’s presence,
to live with respect in Creation,
to love and serve others,
to seek justice and resist evil,
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
our judge and our hope. (A New Creed)
We become stewards and disciples when we realize God’s grace in our lives. This inspires us to respond with gratitude and generosity by
- being thankful: thanking God in prayer and worship
- taking care: being caretakers of all that has been given to us
- giving generously from what we have been given to make a difference in our world
We are each given particular gifts of the Spirit.
For the sake of the world,
God calls all followers of Jesus to Christian ministry.
In the church,
some are called to specific ministries of leadership,
both lay and ordered;
some witness to the good news;
some uphold the art of worship;
some comfort the grieving and guide the wandering;
some build up the community of wisdom;
some stand with the oppressed and work for justice.
To embody God’s love in the world,
the work of the church requires the ministry and discipleship
of all believers. (A Song of Faith)
The Working Document for the Theology of Giving Task Group is a study resource intended to articulate a theology of giving and generosity, specifically within The United Church of Canada at this moment. The principles and concepts explored in this document apply to all forms of giving and generosity, but the primary focus is financial giving and generosity.
Giving to the Church
The United Church is supported by the generosity of its members and friends. Giving to your congregation supports local mission and ministry, the care of the building, and so on.
By giving in addition to the Mission and Service of the United Church, you can participate in the church’s local, national, and international work:
- supporting the worldwide church, especially in places where people are suffering
- providing United Church resources, events, and services
- training new ministers
- furthering the work of change by reminding governments to support peace, justice, and care of creation
- Theology of Giving Study Resource (245.83 KB) (PDF)