Adapting and Innovating for Bold Discipleship

Strategic Objective: Renew a vision of leadership based on the call of the denomination—deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice―and align discernment, recruitment, training, and support of ordered and lay leadership, to this vision.

Whole People of God

We will reinvigorate our commitment to the ministry of the whole people of God, better coordinating support and resources.


Key Activities



Whole People of God Training


First Third Ministry Leaders



Worship Resources


Statement of Ministry Review


Ministry Personnel

We will work to align policy and systems for recruiting, training, authorizing and overseeing ministry personnel with the new Vision.


Key Activities



Reimagine Theological Education


Cooperative Ministry and Mentorship Pilot


Recruitment-Ministry Personnel


Appointments for Admission Ministers


Leadership Counts


Moderator's Initiative: (Re)Generate


Pastoral Relations Equity Animation


Elected Leaders

We will support the increased diversity and effectiveness of faithful elected leaders.


Key Activities



Support to Equity Groups in Governance


Equity and Anti-Oppression Training



Onboarding Volunteers



We will strengthen equity, accountability and effectiveness in the General Council and Regional Council staff systems, enhancing a learning culture, increased alignment, and evaluation against work plans. 


Key Activities



Performance Management System


Training: Learning Strategy



Equity in Recruitment and Retention


*Progress is determined from percentage completion of planned key results in a given quarter.

For questions on the Strategic Plan, or for a summary of all 2024 Operational Plan Activities including descriptions, contact .

(Re)Generate: The Moderator’s Leadership School Equips Leaders for the Future

(Re)Generate participant Rev. Tim Bowman on how the Moderator’s Leadership program is building crucial leadership skills, inspiring deep connection,… continue reading

More than 100 Francophone Youth Attended First-Time United Church Event

La rencontre nationale des jeunes francophones du Canada (Ré-unis) brought together young francophones from across Canada for the first time. The… continue reading

In Trust Center Resource Grant Approved

A USD$15,000 seed grant for innovation from In Trust Center will be matched by The United Church of Canada, along with contributions by United Church… continue reading

New American Sign Language Videos Added to Hymn Resources

Members of the Deaf community signed the hymn videos in ASL.

Young Indigenous and Racialized Scholars Share Research Findings!

Your church can host an online presentation where young Indigenous and racialized scholars showcase research they have done in creative ways. Witness… continue reading

Youth Advocate for an End to Hunger on Parliament Hill

Amber Culley, Kyra Culp, and Dorcus Annika Yohan share their experiences of the Hunger on the Hill 2024 Young Voices program.

Youth leadership animators pursue bold ideas for leadership in the United Church

Eight youth from across Canada meet in Calgary to lay the groundwork for 100 young people to attend The United Church of Canada's General Council 45… continue reading

Get Ready to Rendez-vous 2024: Audacious Hope Launches July 3

The United Church of Canada and The Presbyterian Church in Canada are partnering to bring inspiring worship, amazing speakers, engaging workshops,… continue reading

Leadership Counts Midterm Report Results Released

The Leadership Counts survey was a collaborative effort between General Council staff in Member Engagement, the Office of Vocation, and Anti-Racism… continue reading

Leadership Counts: Who Are Our Ministry Personnel?

Some trends among ministry personnel are emerging in the data received from Leadership Counts, the voluntary identity survey of United Church leaders.
