“Working in a border town, we are the first people that newcomers meet, and I truly hope that we are providing a God-filled welcome to the country.”

A sign indicating the US-Canadian border.
Credit: Jimmy Emerson, DVM; Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Published On: March 1, 2017

Since the beginning of the year, more than a hundred refugees have crossed into Manitoba seeking asylum.  Fearful of how the new American administration will affect their chances at finding safe haven, they have been walking across the US/Canada border, often for hours through waist-deep snow and freezing temperatures.

CCS student Jordan Basso is in ministry at a three-point United Church pastoral charge near the border, including the town of Emerson.  “It has certainly been an interesting and exciting time to be in ministry,” says Jordan.

“Working in a border town, we are the first people that newcomers meet, and I truly hope that we are providing a God-filled welcome to the country.”

Jordan has been working with his congregations at figuring out ways to respond to influx of asylum seekers showing up in Emerson seeking refuge.

“I have learned so much about the importance of this ministry we share in the United Church, and how quickly we come together to support each other in times of need. Above all else, I have learned that opening my heart, and offering everything that God has given me to give is the most important thing I – or any of us – can do for each other in this world.”

People often wonder how they can help?  Jordan says that donations can be sent to Welcome Place in Winnipeg, where refugees find themselves after processing at the border.

“Prayers and good vibes are most certainly appreciated!” Jordan adds.

This article was orginally featured as a blog post on The Centre for Christian Studies website.