John R. Thompson of the National Indigenous Council asks us to hear what the Creator may be saying to us this Advent season.

The statues of a Nativity scene are silhouetted by a background of candles.
Credit: Andreas Böhm from Pixabay
Published On: December 14, 2020

Two thousand years ago, Truth was re-introduced into the world in human form as a tiny newborn baby, innocent and vulnerable, dependent on mom and dad who were overjoyed. They were filled with hope and promise in the midst of challenge and difficulty.

In the hustle and bustle of families reuniting during a government census, no one noticed the momentous event that happened on the periphery of town — in a barn, a stable — that would change the world forever. No one noticed except a few shepherds who were out in the fields taking care of their sheep. Only they, the lowliest of the low in the social strata — probably not even thought worthy of counting in the census — were sensitive and open to the moving of the Spirit.

In innocence, humility, fear, and wonder they heard the voices of angels. They received the Good News. Excited, wondering, and filled with many emotions, they were told not to fear. They acted immediately to check it out.

Low and behold, they found the baby, and fell on their knees in praise and thanksgiving, sharing with the parents all that they had heard. Returning straightaway to their duty to tend their sheep, their fear turned to joy, excitement, laughter, and song.

Can it be, as we are humbled by the events of this year, that Creator is speaking to us, reminding us of our own vulnerability and indeed the fragility of life. Perhaps this is the time for us to be as the shepherds. In humility, innocence, openness, and sensitivity, we can respond even as we are not sure how.

As we move forward into the unknown, knowing that Creator is with us, let us fear not. When we discover the truth of our ONENESS, we can sing and rejoice, returning to our duties of love and care for self, others, and all of life; that we might experience life in all its fullness.

May you experience Peace and Joy in this wonderful season.


 — John R. Thompson, Acting Chair, National Indigenous Council



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