Devotion, knowledge, and artistry

Ohiatonhseratokénti: The Holy Bible in Mohawk is now available for purchase.
Preserving language enables future generations to engage in their rich culture in a rounded and essential way. Without understanding dialect-specific phrases and expressions, the vital wisdom of a culture can be lost. As part of the ongoing work of preserving the Mohawk language, a Mohawk translation of the Bible was developed, and it is now ready to use.
This complete translation of the Bible into the Mohawk language has been made possible through the devotion, knowledge, and artistry of Harvey Satewas Gabriel, supported by generations of women in the Gabriel family and the communities of Kanesatake and Kahnawake. Those partnering on the Mohawk Language Bible have taken great care and effort in ensuring proper language interpretation and translation. Working in agreement with the Mohawk Nation, collaborators have taken the time to listen to each other and learn in order to move the project forward.
Your gifts to Mission and Service allow projects that preserve language and culture to flourish. Thank you.