As we reflect on the past year and look forward to a new one, thank you for supporting Mission and Service.

While we look forward to the New Year and all the possibilities for joy and love that 2024 will bring, it’s important to reflect on the growth we went through in 2023. Through the peace, pain, joys, and sorrows, it has been a true blessing to see God working through United Church people like you.
Through earthquakes, conflict, economic decline, hunger, and other crises, United Church people are quick to ask, “How can we help?” Thank you for holding our neighbours in tender, warm care throughout a challenging year. You’ve helped put food on tables, rebuild communities after disaster, provide life-saving medication, educate children, and so much more.
Your gifts continue to help partners as they respond to the immediate needs of people in Canada and around the world. Your gifts provide the light of hope and remove barriers to allow our partners to continue the important work they do. As we reflect on the past year and look forward to a new one, thank you for supporting Mission and Service.