Leadership Counts is a short confidential, voluntary survey for leaders in churches, national committees, regional and national committees. Help the church celebrate the diversity of its leaders by telling us more about yourself.

The Leadership Counts survey informs how the United Church’s strategic plan and anti-oppression work is developed and evaluated. In the context of our commitment to equity, diversity, and the full participation of everyone, learning more about the diverse identities of the United Church’s ministry personnel, staff, and national committee members helps us create strategies to meet our commitments.

Why Leadership Counts

This survey is a collaborative effort between General Council staff in Member Engagement, the Office of Vocation, and Anti-Racism and Equity.

Participation in the survey is voluntary. All information is confidentially and securely maintained.

By having a better understanding of the church’s leaders, it is possible to:

  • learn more about who is offering leadership,
  • offer more effective support to ministry personnel, staff, and national committee members,
  • work towards equity and diversity in many forms, and develop strategies based on full participation,
  • determine what we need to do to better in order to meet our commitments,
  • track changes in the identities of church leaders over time, and
  • be more accountable for who we want to become, knowing who we are now.

What are the survey data showing us?

These news stories provide updates on what trends among ministry personnel and members of national committees are emerging from the preliminary analysis of the data received from the voluntary Leadership Counts survey:

Reports and Summaries

The Mid-term Report (Oct. 2023) on ministry personnel and members of national committees is available in the Downloads.

The Spring 2023 Executive Summary of findings is also available in the Downloads, below.

    Frequently asked questions about the survey

    These are the most common questions about the survey. More in-depth information, including details about confidentiality, privacy, and legal questions can be found in the Downloads, below.
