Various coloured markers with movement lines on a global map

Networks connect people with similar passions across the church. Networks are based on interest, not geography, and provide opportunities for individuals and groups to connect around and collaborate on specific areas of ministry or mission.

Western Intercultural Ministry Network

The Western Intercultural Ministry Network (WIMN) people and communities in The United Church of Canada are committed to a fully inclusive and intercultural church, from northwestern Ontario to the Pacific, and north to Yellowknife. Anyone of any identity is welcome!

Contact: Deborah Richards at

The UCCanada Korean Network

The UCCanada Korean Network (The UCCan KN) is a vibrant and dynamic Korean community within The United Church of Canada, established in June 2021.

Our mission is to empower Korean communities in the United Church through a range of initiatives focused on support/advocacy, education, fellowship, and engagement. We are also committed to fostering community engagement to build a thriving community through involvement, collaboration, and solidarity.

Contact: SunDo Hyun at

The Filipino Network of The United Church of Canada

The primary objective of this network is to foster a sense of community among Filipino individuals, both clergy and lay members, associated with The United Church of Canada. By establishing this network, we aim to cultivate strong bonds and facilitate meaningful collaborations among our members, enabling them to support one another in navigating their respective ministries.

Contact: Noel Suministrado at

The Chinese Association of The United Church of Canada (CAUCC)

The objectives of the Chinese United Churches within The United Church of Canada are to represent the Chinese United Churches at all levels of church governance, foster Christian fellowship among Chinese Christians (both ministry personnel and lay members), and conduct evangelistic programs for the benefit of Chinese churches and communities in Canada.

Contact: Alan Lai at

Black Clergy Network

The overarching goals of the Black Clergy Network include fostering fellowship and community through bi-annual national gatherings and virtual platforms, enhancing leadership skills among Black clergy within the United Church, fostering unity among diverse Black clergy communities, supporting the church’s commitment to interculturalism, contributing to building right relations with Indigenous communities as newcomers, and creatively strengthening ministries within our congregations.

Contact: Franklyn James at

An Intercultural Adventure (AIA)

An Intercultural Adventure (AIA) is a continuing education program aimed primarily at Korean-Canadian people in The United Church of Canada. This program holds a three-day seminar every two years on a topic chosen by the participants at the previous seminar or by the planning committee. A small book on the topic of the seminar is produced out of the seminar presentation. The book is published in Korean and English versions.

Contact: Hae Bin Jung at

For more information

To learn more, including how to join a network, please contact