Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
For Black History Month, Pastor Samuel Vauvert Dansokho recounts the devastating and lasting impact of colonialism on Africa.
Come, Join Me Under the Palaver Tree " href="/blogs/round-table/come-join-me-under-palaver-tree"> A selfie of Rev. Dr. Samuel Vauvert Dansokho, a Black man with a graying beard and glasses. Photographed outside in a snowy background.
For Black History Month, Patricia Watson shares about ways to teach Black history using a variety of artistic expressions.
Building a "Quilt of Belonging"" href="/blogs/round-table/building-quilt-belonging">
Nancy Oliver-MacKenzie writes about the role of Montreal's Union United Church as a force for social justice for the Black community and beyond.
One Instrument in the Orchestra" href="/blogs/round-table/one-instrument-orchestra">
Sara Stratton writes that the path to true reconciliation and understanding requires an honest confrontation of the past.
Get Over It? Or Confront It?" href="/blogs/round-table/get-over-it-or-confront-it">
Rev. John Snow offers an Indigenous perspective on Epiphany season and the sharing of God's sacred gifts.
The Creator's Abundant Gifts" href="/blogs/round-table/creators-abundant-gifts"> A beautiful photo of sacred medicines from both the Near East and Indigenous traditions laid out in a circle on a green cloth background..
John R. Thompson of the National Indigenous Council asks us to hear what the Creator may be saying to us this Advent season.
Fear Not" href="/blogs/round-table/fear-not"> The statues of a Nativity scene are silhouetted by a background of candles.
In this Advent reflection, Shanna Bernier finds that even in times of great upheaval and change, deep moments of peace exist.
Seeking Peace Instead of Turmoil " href="/blogs/round-table/seeking-peace-instead-turmoil">   A welcome sign for Wi'am Center on a barbed-wire fence in Palestine, with the message, "Make Coffee/Tea and Not Walls."
Shanna Bernier shares the first of a series of Advent reflections, based on a young adult pilgrimage to Palestine and Israel. 
Advent begins with Hope " href="/blogs/round-table/advent-begins-hope"> A group of young adult pilgrims from Canada gather in a doorway of a refugee-run cafe in Aida Refugee Camp.
The Black Clergy Network in The United Church of Canada has offered a prayer of support for the Rev. Michael Blair, as he begins his new role as the General Secretary,…
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Letter of Prayer for Michael Blair from the Black Clergy Network" href="/blogs/round-table/letter-prayer-michael-blair-black-clergy-network"> The Sankofa bird, a West African symbol of a bird with a long neck, turning its head to look back. This version is brilliantly multicoloured - red, yellow, black, and orange..
Rev. Dr. Paul Douglas Walfall writes that to be prophetic in the face of racial intolerance is to proclaim the extravagant grace of God by the way we live.
A Call for Social Holiness" href="/blogs/round-table/call-social-holiness"> Rev. Paul Douglas Walfall speaking at the 43rd General Council.