“God creates us full of potential but with different abilities.”

December 3rd is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. In the video “Living Into Our Full Potential”, Minister Darla Sloan speaks about being a minister living with a disability, as well as her experience with the daughter of her partner, who lives with multiple disabilities. She offers a perspective on how the church can become more welcoming and inclusive, as well as a theological perspective on integrating this work in ministry. Access the study guide for this video in the Downloads, below.

What We Believe

The United Church is committed to becoming an open, accessible, and barrier-free church, where there is full participation of people with disabilities. To start off, the church has been consulting with people with disabilities and their allies and exploring theologies of disabilities.

Jesus sought out the very people who lived with disabilities and marginalization in his society. He found ways of actively engaging them in their communities. But people living with disabilities—a dynamic category that anyone can join at any time—often find themselves on the margins of church life.

You are invited to join us in learning to dismantle barriers to full participation and create safe, trusting spaces that reflect the diversity of Christ’s body.

Ceramic raku
This ceramic raku by Rev. Susan Woodhouse reads "cup of blessings" in Braille. The colours represent discerning the God-given gifts of disability and offering them to God’s people.
Credit: Rae Fletcher, The United Church of Canada

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For more information, contact 

Beth Baskin
Identity and Mission Network Coordinator
416-231-7680 x4196
1-800-268-3781 x4196