
Worship Ideas

Related Material

  • Acknowledging the Territory in Worship (170.12 KB) (PDF): A brief guide to help congregations and bodies of the church incorporate an Acknowledgement of Territory into their gatherings.
  • Moderator's Pentecost Message 2024: (Video) In her Pentecost message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne shares how Spirit is interceding in our lives, stoking the winds of change. May we feel the winds of God on our faces and the flames of Pentecost bringing us together in celebration and unity.
  • Moderator's Pentecost Message 2024: Transcript (46.58 KB) (Word): Transcript of Moderator Carmen Lansdowne's Pentecost 2024 video message.
  • Prayer for Times of Change: A New Way of Being Church (24.06 KB) (Word): A prayer and other worship ideas that might be used during times of being a church with new relationships, during other times of change, for the Day of Pentecost, or for Union Sunday.

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