Earth Week 2023
Credit: Canva

Dedication Prayer: Acting, Learning, and Praying for Climate Justice

God of Creation,
we are thankful for your awesome work in creation,
you have weaved all of life together, and it is very good.

We are grateful for all that protects and cares for your good works:
the sunlight and water that sustains life,
the earth that grounds and nourishes life,
and the earth-beings that care for and protect life.

God of Creation,
we give thanks for all whose actions care for your good works!
And we ask your blessings on the actions we offer here and on the actions of those across the church and beyond during this Earth Week.

we are stronger.

As we care for your creation,
provide us with the humility and curiosity needed
to continually learn about the marvels of your works,
and to deepen our understanding of how our actions, good and bad, affect all of creation.

God of Creation,
we give thanks for the opportunity to learn and grow with your good works!
And we ask your blessing on the intentions we offer here today and on the intentions of those across the church and beyond during this Earth Week.

we are stronger.

Although the journey is hard,
and our hearts might be afraid and filled with doubts,
may we continue to act and learn towards climate justice,
with the confidence and strength of your presence guiding us.

God of Creation,
receive our prayers for the love of your good works.
And we ask, in your love, to answer the prayers we offer today and the prayers of those across the church and beyond acting together during this Earth Week.

we are stronger.

May we continue to follow in the way that you are leading with hopeful and daring hearts, until we have reached your commonwealth of justice and peace for all.


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