Partners in the Holy Land plead for peace among neighbours, and condemn the Israeli military assault on Rafah

Many people hold hands in a circle
Credit: © Brett Jorgensen |
Published On: May 15, 2024

As Israelis celebrate Independence Day, and as Palestinians mark Nakba Day, The United Church of Canada continues communication with Palestinian and Israeli partners in the Holy Land, who say that the reality of life there is stark: "If Israel truly wants peace, it must make peace with Palestinians who are its neighbours. There is a place for all.”

The escalating Israeli military assault on Rafah constitutes a grave breach of the Genocide Convention. Rafah has been considered one of the only “safe zones” in Gaza. The humanitarian situation there is dire: famine is a current reality, the death toll rises, people are unable to access basic necessities for life.

For months, humanitarian agencies have sounded the alarm against any military offensive in this extremely densely populated refugee camp, where thousands who have been displaced multiple times are forced to seek shelter.

“There is nowhere to go,” says the International Committee of the Red Cross. United Church partners also clearly state people in Rafah cannot flee to safety from further hostilities.

This assault on Rafah causes irreparable harm to the right of an estimated 1.4 million Palestinians to be protected from acts of genocide under Articles II and III of the Genocide Convention.

As a party to the Genocide Convention, Canada must abide by its obligations and take every diplomatic, political, and economic step available to prevent the crime of genocide unfolding in Gaza. Canada must hold Israel and Hamas accountable for crimes against humanity.

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