Archives Reading Room
Archives Reading Room

The United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, includes the General Council Archives and the following Ontario Regional Councils:  Canadian Shield, Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways, Horseshoe Falls, Shining Waters, East Central Ontario, and the western part of Eastern Ontario Outaouais. The United Church of Canada Archives is located at

The United Church Archives
40 Oak Street
Toronto, ON  M5A 2C6
Tel: 437-703-2286

Visit The United Church of Canada Archives website for a wealth of information regarding our holdings and services, including

  • baptismal or marriage certificate requests
  • details on how to transfer records from congregations and courts of the church to the archives
  • research guides and finding aids to search our collections
  • access to microfilm and library records
  • links to online archival collections, including Up and Down the Coast and The Children Remembered
  • access to archived United Church websites

Local Records

Local records are held across the country by the United Church Archives Staff Circle. Each archival facility operates independently and has unique holdings and finding aids.