La rencontre nationale des jeunes francophones du Canada (Ré-unis) brought together young francophones from across Canada for the first time. The event was in Sherbrooke, QC, November 29‒December 1,… continue reading
World Council of Churches’ General Secretary hosted by the Canadian Council of Churches on visit to Canada, including a stop at the national office of The United Church of Canada
The birth of the Christ Child among us changed our world forever. So, this Christmas, the Moderator invites us to look around at the signs of change and new life.
A candlelight vigil on December 1 responded to vandalism of the rainbow steps at an Affirming church in Brighton, Ontario, shortly after the regional council held an inclusive hymn sing on those same… continue reading
The United Church urges Canada to support peace talks in the Philippines, end military cooperation fueling human rights abuses, and prioritize justice. Join us: Sign the petition for peace and… continue reading
National Indigenous Spiritual Gathering (NISG) to meet in Winnipeg November 29 to December 1, 2024, to build a shared understanding of leadership and governance.
In her Advent message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne reflects on how the Christ child was not born in luxury, but had loving parents and God’s grace. This love is what we hope for with all of those in… continue reading